
Serenity Acres Family Ranch

Kristy Falconer moved to Ardoise, Nova Scotia to start her therapeutic equine ranch several years ago and opened the ranch last year. Serenity Acres Family Ranch provides a unique range of services to its clients, including equine assisted learning, days camps and trail rides. “Our students learn life skills through working with horses. The horse is the teacher, the person is the student,” explains Kristy.

This wide range of services and activities wasn’t easily covered by an existing insurance product. “Insurance coverage is cornerstone to what we do,” said Kristy. “How to cover us was a challenge.” That’s where Caldwell Roach Insurance Broker Andrew Nielsen became an invaluable resource.

Andrew is a 3rd generation Nova Scotia dairy farmer who understands the value of insurance to the agri-business industry. “Because I am a rancher too, in a similar business, I knew that I would have to search a variety of providers to make sure that Serenity Acres was covered,” said Andrew.

But it was a process. Andrew and the team at Caldwell Roach Insurance invested the time to find the best solution for Kristy and her operation. “Andrew took on the challenge we were facing and took the weight off our shoulders. If Andrew didn't know the answer, he searched until he found one," said Kristy. "Andrew worked hard to help get us affordable coverage for the unique programs we offer.”

The insurance industry is continually evolving to meet changing needs, at Caldwell Roach Insurance we have partnered with a diverse group of speciality insurers to provide our clients tailored insurance solutions for all types of Agri-business operations throughout the Maritime provinces.

"By checking out several different markets, we were able to put together an insurance solutions that worked for Kristy and her business," said Andrew. This type of attention to detail and commitment meant Kristy could open her business with the peace of mind that she was covered. "Andrew is a rockstar," said Kristy. "I have never had such a positive experience with insurance." 

To learn more about your coverage options, call Andrew and our team at 1.888.511.0777.